Welcome to Heathrow AOC LTD.
Heathrow AOC LTD was formed on 4th December 2009 to represent and promote the interest of our members equally. We operate in accordance with the scope and remit which has been defined by our members. We seek to gain the optimum holistic result by representing our members with stakeholders on regulatory engagement & governance, capital development & efficiency, the wide range of charges at Heathrow Airport & operational resilience, improvement & service quality. We also act on behalf of our members to various industry bodies.
We maintain a close liaison with Heathrow Airport LTD (HAL) and the control authorities in order to secure a standard of passenger and cargo handling at London Heathrow Airport, in keeping with international standards.
We fulfil the obligation within the Heathrow Licence and provide a platform for consultation and agreement on behalf of the airlines operating at London Heathrow Airport, HAL and, with:-
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
The Department for Transport (DfT)
The Competition Commission
Competition and Markets Authority
The National Air Traffic Services (NATS)
The United Kingdom Border Force (UKBF)
The Metropolitan Police (Including Special Branch)
Public Health England; and
Other Government Departments.
We present to HAL, Control Authorities and other interested parties, suggestions and requirements to improve the administrative and economic efficiency in securing optimum and handling techniques for the benefit of all users at London Heathrow Airport.
We promote the interests of the airlines as representatives of the consumer in the development of London Heathrow Airport.
We provide a forum where airlines can discuss common issues and agree solutions.
We work in partnership with the London Airline Consultative Committee (LACC) and other bodies representing airlines to benefit our members.